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About Us

Firmamız Reka Makine ltd 2005 yılında kurulmuştur. Asıl ilgi alanı, Yurtdışı temsilcilikler ve İthalat, İhracat ve Dış Ticaret konularında hizmet etmektir. Japonya ve Hindistan başta ve düzenli olmak üzere, Çin, ABD, İngiltere, İtalya, İran ve Myanmar gibi ülkeler ile ticaretimiz ve ilişkilerimiz devam etmektedir. ,

Our company Reka Mak ltd has been established at 2005. Main purpose is; Export&İmport, Representative business and Foreign trading. Our relations and trading are continuing with China, USA, UK, Italy, Iran and Myanmar but mainly by Japon and India as regularly for more than 15 years. We are in business of consumable products procurement and supplying to Glass and Mechanical Industries at Turkiye’s market and beside those we are also playing role at Defence Industry like Jandarma, Polis and other instutitions of Turkiye as direct Supplier and manufacturing of some goods at area ( which is a start-up Project for the moment). Additionaly, we are also in packaging industry and have been working by Marmara Kağıt A.Ş. to supply Ankara producers needs for corrugated card boxes and other type of packing products. Top of all above listed items; Our total past ( all companies established before included) is approximately 25 years in business and on that experince gained during this history, we are aiming to serve companies as Professional consultant for procurement who needs to buy goods abroad. We are beliveing that we are going to be survived at Turkiye’s market for long years with our customers Support and our sensitive and hard working behaviours. Sincerely…
